September 2018 Newsletter
Tourism Development & Marketing 101
Summer may be winding down but the tourism industry is heating up. Most of our development, planning, budgeting and training happens from fall through the winter and into spring.
Tourism Development & Marketing 101
Summer may be winding down but the tourism industry is heating up. Most of our development, planning, budgeting and training happens from fall through the winter and into spring.
Summer may be winding down but the tourism industry is heating up. Most of our development, planning, budgeting and training happens from fall through the winter and into spring. We’re thinking a year ahead in the tourism world and maybe you should too. For me, thinking that far ahead can be a challenge since I like to live in the moment. But planning ahead does have it merits. Without a plan and goals, we tend to have a knee jerk reaction instead of being pro-active. If you host an event or festival in the summer, you should already have your dates for 2019. This helps us to market and promote your events in our visitor guide.
This year, we printed 17,000 guides that flew off the shelves. Even Travel Manitoba is running low. We highly recommend putting aside a bit of marketing funds for an ad in this guide. It’s one publication that is always evolving and changing with the trends and we would love to feature your business or event in 2019. Want to measure your investment? Try advertising an offer or coupon. Print is not dead!
Also to put on your radar is Manitoba’s 150th Birthday in 2020. Eastman Tourism is working with one group who is planning a huge event in celebration. We expect that in 2019 there will be several grants available for projects so start talking with your boards, committees and elected (or soon to be elected) officials now. Stay tuned for announcements on this.
Congratulations to all the finalists in the Manitoba Tourism Awards. On September 13, Eastern Manitoba will be represented by the following for their good work in the industry. Skylor Mitchell (Inspiring Youth), Winnipeg Folk Fest (Event of the Year and Marketing Excellence), Twin River Travel (Sustainable Tourism), Cris LaBossiere (Volunteer of the Year), South Beach Casino (Award of Distinction – Business). Hats off to you all!
Have something to share, we love hearing from you. Tag us #EasternMB or email your news.