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Marketing Resources

Creating Interpretive Signage

For information on interpretive signage from start to finish, take a look at this video of a recorded webinar by Heather Hinam, Ph.D. of Second Nature. Heather can be reached at or visit her website for more information on interpretive signage.

Creating Virtual Tours

Watch this video on how to create and transform experiences into virtual content with the help of Lesley and Cody.


Eastman Tourism is on Driftscape! This is just one more member benefit whether you're a business owner, non-profit organization or community partner. We've created 17 tours, points of interest, highlighted member businesses, events or experiences. Download the APP and start planning your trip through Eastern Manitoba. To learn more about how Driftscape can highlight your business, non-profit or community, contact Eastman Tourism and partner with us today.

Development Resources

Experiential Tourism Program

Experiential tourism is a form of tourism in which people focus on experiencing a particular place by actively and meaningfully engaging with its history, people, culture, food, and environment. Experiential tourism connects visitors with the essence of a place and its people. It engages guests in a series of memorable travel adventures, revealed over time, which are inherently personal, engage the senses, and make connections on an emotional, physical, spiritual, or intellectual level. Learn more by downloading the program guidelines or contact us at

Explorer Quotient Profiles

Provided by Destination Canada, the Explorer Quotient profiles are a valuable resource to the tourism industry. It helps you to determine who your ideal customer is.

Experiential Tourism Case Study

Watch this case study of Lourdes Still of Masagana Flower Farm sharing the benefits of experiential tourism.

Industry Portals

Strategic Plan

Planning the Future


The Board of Directors and Executive Director of Eastman Tourism are currently in the process of reviewing operations of the association to enhance flow of service delivery and ensure consistent procedural practices. This process involves exploration and consideration of amendments to our By-Laws, Policy & Procedures Manual and the drafting of a Strategic Plan for 2024-2027. We invite feedback and comments from our members during this process and want to hear from you as to where you feel we are succeeding, and how you believe we can improve our service and support to your community or organization. Please send your comments and feedback to Arlene Davidson, Executive Director at

Get to know us

Arlene Davidson

Executive Director


Angela Smook

Eastman Tourism Chair


Liz Robertson

Eastman Tourism, Treasurer


Bob Kovachik

Eastman Tourism, Vice Chair


Michelle Gawronsky

Eastman Tourism Secretary


Mark Bernard

Diane Cline

Jeff Rodrwald

Ray Schirle

Blaine Stead