The Buzz About Bees

A Golden Bay Honey Farm Adventure



45042 Highway #44, 3 ½ East of Beausejour, MB.


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Welcome to your hands-on tour of Golden Bay Honey, where you’ll get up close and personal to experience the fascinating world of beekeeping.

On our family-owned farm, our expert guide will be with you every step of the way explaining the process of how bees produce honey and why it is so important to protect our pollinators. You’ll learn about the different types of bees, including worker bees, drones, queen bees, and their vital roles in the colony.

We’ll provide you with the necessary protective gear and then lead you to the heart of the farm. Here, you’ll get to explore the different parts of the farm including the hives and honeycombs. You’ll have the chance to participate in various activities, from opening up a hive and watching how bees work, to collecting raw materials and making your very own beeswax fire starters!

Throughout the tour, you’ll have the opportunity to taste our delicious and all-natural honey – straight from the comb! We’ll also show you how honey is extracted, bottled, and packaged for sale.

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