Eastman Stories

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Turing a New Leaf to a Fresh New Look for Eastman Tourism

Eastman Tourism has been shaking things up a little bit over the past year. We’ve introduced some great new features, new ways to advertise with us, new partnerships, and so much more.

By Eastman Tourism

June 28, 2018
Read time: 1 min

Eastman Tourism has been shaking things up a little bit over the past year. We’ve introduced some great new features, new ways to advertise with us, new partnerships, and so much more. Our goals to share Everything Eastman with the Province, Country, and World are really starting to take shape.

Through this, we realized that it was time for some rebranding, a new look that encompasses everything that Eastern Manitoba has to offer. With that comes a new logo, one that holds a story, one that shapes the many adventures waiting to be found in our backyard, one that symbolizes our region and inspires visitors and residents alike to take hold of and engage with the serenity and scenery, the gusto and zest surrounding all of us.

The Story Behind the Leaf

Each design originated from components of the vision, and this logo was inspired by the leaf shape—depicting the area’s scenic forests. The shape is directional and draws you in, enticing you to look closer and discover more!

The leaf shape symbolizes the encompassing region—look closely, and you’ll find blue waterways—freezing, melting and flowing through the seasons— spectacular colours of glowing sunsets over golden prairies and green forests sprouting new growth…unfolding and pointing East.

The logo is simply an invitation, an enticement to look beyond what the outer shell is, discover the history, enjoy the natural beauty and let your own adventures unfold. Every leaf holds a story…pass your leaf around and tell us yours!

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